9. 3. 2010.


Takmičenje u rešavanju zagonetke - misterije pod nazivom "Sherlock Holmes and the Destiny Clues" biće održano na blogu za vikend 26-28. marta. Ovo takmičenje je održano pre nedelju dana za vreme logičkog turnira "ZeKa 2010" u Dugoj Resi, a sada smo odlučili i da ga ponovimo na internetu. Autori zadatak su Bojana Vojnović i Marko Obradović.
Svako ko želi može da učestvuje. Nadamo se da ćete uživati!
Napominjemo da je celo takmičenje na engleskom jeziku. Zagonetka - misterija sastoji se iz niza logičkih i drugih zagonetki koje treba zatim iskombinovati da bi se dobilo konačno rešenje.

The mystery puzzle contest entitled "Sherlock Holmes and the Destiny Clues" will be organized here during the 26-28 March weekend. It was originally held a week ago at the logic puzzle competition ZeKa 2010 in Duga Resa, Croatia, and now we decided to present it online. The authors of the puzzles are Bojana Vojnović and Marko Obradović.
Everybody is welcome to participate. We hope you will enjoy the contest! The mystery puzzle contest consists of several logic and other puzzles that combined together give you the final solution. However, since it is a mystery contest, the clues are not always obvious and you have to think your way to the solution.

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